Submission of Prediction Files

Task 1:  A zip file,  named containinig the 10 predicted implants has to be submitted to (please take cc: The folder should follow the folder structure  of the test set in Task 1 (i.e., bilateral, frontoorbital, parietotemporal, random_1, random_2. Under each folder are the corresponding prediction files).

Task 2:  A zip file,  named containinig the 11 predicted implants has to be submitted to (please take cc:  

Task 3: A zip file,  named containing the 110 predicted implants in NRRD format.  Submission email:

For Task 1, Task 2 and Task 3, each submitted NRRD file MUST be of the same dimension and the same name as the corresponding test case. If the direct outout of your algorithm is the complete skull, an additional zip file named has to be submitted together with the zip file containing the implant.  Each participating team can submit a maximum of 5 times for Task 1 and 3.  For Task 2,  you are only allowed to submit  2 times.  The scores (DSC, bDSC, 95HD) of each case will be returned to you in a .csv file.

Submission of Challenge Papers

Like last year,  we plan to publish accepted challenge papers in Springer in LNCS format (please see: authors’ guidelines, paper template:  LaTeX Word, Overleaf). If you participanted in multiple tasks, you should report the methods and results in a single paper instead of submitting multple papers.  Minimum and maximum number of pages for the challenge papers are 8 and 20.  Note that for Task 3, unlike last year, successful prediction on all the test cases including 100.nrrd ~ 109.nrrd is a precondition for paper acceptance (TO clarify, the algorithm should be able to generalize to 100.nrrd ~ 109.nrrd).  Participants are advised to make early preparations if a challenge paper is planned. 

Paper submission (single blind) portal: 

Note:  For participants who are unable to submit full challenge papers (8 - 20 pages), we have an option to submit abstract (2 - 7 pages). However, these abstract-style papers cannot be published in the Springer proceedings even after acceptance, due to the page requirement of the publisher.